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Team Name Wins Losses Ties Win % Standing Contact
Mambas 5 0 0 1.000 2 Drew Marks
Date Time Location Away Team Away Score Home Team Home Score
01/11/2025 4:05 pm Gym@Drew Center & Park Hustlin' Hoosiers 21 Mambas 23
01/17/2025 8:25 pm Gym@Drew Center & Park Mambas 22 Monkey Ballers 7
01/18/2025 4:05 pm Gym@Drew Center & Park Mambas 37 Wolfpack 16
01/25/2025 12:50 pm Gym@Drew Center & Park Mambas 28 Toon Squad 21
01/31/2025 8:25 pm Gym@Drew Center & Park Toon Squad 13 Mambas 19
02/07/2025 8:25 pm Gym@Claremont Elementary School Mambas 0 Hustlin' Hoosiers 0
02/08/2025 4:05 pm Gym@Drew Center & Park The Bricklayers 0 Mambas 0
02/15/2025 3:00 pm Gym@Drew Center & Park Hustlin' Hoosiers 0 Mambas 0
02/22/2025 12:50 pm Full Gym@Key School Dunkin Donuts-McCarthy 0 Mambas 0

Schedule Comments

Home team wears white uniform; Away team wears blue uniform. Upon entering the facility, coach must find gym monitor and fill out score book for your team. Home team must provide the scorekeeper (book); Visiting team must provide the timekeeper (clock); can be swapped if both teams agree. All players on the roster must be listed in the score book, whether or not they are at the game. Coaches are responsible for the conduct of themselves, their team members, and spectators. Please remember to stress the importance of good sportsmanship with your players and parents. Only water is allowed in the gymnasiums - no food, gum, sports drinks, sodas, coffees, etc. In the event of inclement weather, please call (703) 228-4715. Gym Locations: Abingdon Elementary School, 3035 S Abingdon St, Door 2 (left side of school) Alice Fleet Elementary, 115 S Old Glebe Road, door A-15 from street / Door C-12 from parking garage (enter garage from Old Glebe Rd at far end of school) Campbell Elementary School, 737 S. Carlin Springs Rd., Door 5 Cardinal Elementary School, 1644 N. McKinley Rd., Door 17 (back of school by playground) Carver Community Center (Hoffman-Boston Elementary), 1415 S. Queen Street, Door 4 Claremont Elementary School, 4700 S. Chesterfield Rd., Door 2 (gym entrance is on far left) Drew Community Center, 3500 S 23rd Street, 22206, Door 11 Glebe Elementary, 1770 N Glebe Street, Door 1 (go straight down hall and take first right for the gym) Gunston Community Center/Middle School, 2700 S Lang Street, Door 9A (drive to left of building, past fields, toward back of building) Langston Community Center, 2121 N Culpepper Street, 22207, Door 6 (go up the stairs) Swanson Middle School, 5800 N Washington Blvd, Door 3 or 4 Walter Reed Community Center, 2909 S 16th Street, use main entrance For further information, please contact: League Manager Mariah Leonard, 703-228-1818 (O) or [email protected] (M-F) Sports Rover, 571-238-0265 (Weeknights & Weekends) Sports Duty Officer, 571-238-0267 (Weeknights & Weekends)