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Community Gardens Waitlist

Community Gardens Waitlist - 980000

Community gardens offer residents who live in apartments, condos or homes not hospitable to gardening a place to grow plants, fruits, and vegetables. For more information about the Community Garden program click here.

All Community Gardens currently have wait lists. You may add your name to the wait list for up to two gardens. Add only ONE name per household to the waitlist. If you add multiple family members to the waitlist, only the Primary Guardian waitlist enrollment will be retained.Plots are assigned on a first come-first served basis, and you will remain on the list until a plot becomes available for you. You do not need to reapply each year. Wait length varies from garden to garden and year to year. You will be contacted by our office when space becomes available at either of your garden location choices.
1 Sections
Column #1 Availability Activity # Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Cost Column #11 Column #12
Add To Waitlist Waitlist 980000-00 Community Garden: WAITLIST 01/01/2099 -01/01/2099 12:00 am -12:00 am See Program Details $0.00/$0.00 Details