55+ May Trips 2024 - 902405

'Park Chan-kyong: Gathering' Exhibit at Sackler Gallery

$9.00 - $10.00

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Activity Details

'Park Chan-kyong: Gathering' Exhibit at Sackler Gallery

Meeting Details

Time: 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Days: Wed
See Program Details
Facility: See *Special Questions* below

Registration Event

Registration for this activity starts on 02/21/2024 at 12:00 pm.

Registration/Reservation Rules:

Minimum 7 days before the item begin date. Cutoff time on last day is before 4:00pm.
Family Member Feecode of NR.
Reg Begin Date Time
Family Member Feecode of RES.
Reg Begin Date Time
At least 1 current membership per family member from this pass category list: OSAP (55 Plus Programs), valid on transaction date.

'Park Chan-kyong: Gathering' Exhibit at Sackler Gallery

Unless otherwise noted in the trip details, a 55+ Pass is required for participation in all 55+ trips.
For trips with multiple pickup locations, your selected location will be noted at the BOTTOM of your receipt under "Special Questions"
"Explore the ""Park Chan-kyong: Gathering"" exhibit at the Sackler Gallery. Immerse yourself in the artistic world crafted by Park Chan-kyong, where diverse elements converge to create a thought-provoking and immersive experience. This exhibition invites you to witness the power of gathering, as interpreted by the artist, and to engage with the unique perspectives and narratives presented within the captivating artworks. Join us in this cultural exploration at the Sackler Gallery. Trip Pickup Locations/Times: MAD 12:00 PM and TJ 12:30 PM"


Res Fee (Standard Fee): $9.00


NonRes Fee (Standard Fee): $10.00
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