55+ March Trips 2024 - 902403

Whistler at Freer Gallery and Hurell at National Portrait Gallery

$13.00 - $15.00

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Activity Details

Whistler at Freer Gallery and Hurell at National Portrait Gallery

Meeting Details

Time: 9:30 am - 5:00 pm
Days: Fri
See Program Details
Facility: See *Special Questions* below

Registration Event

Registration for this activity starts on 02/21/2024 at 12:00 pm.

Registration/Reservation Rules:

Minimum 7 days before the item begin date. Cutoff time on last day is before 4:00pm.
Family Member Feecode of NR.
Reg Begin Date Time
Family Member Feecode of RES.
Reg Begin Date Time
At least 1 current membership per family member from this pass category list: OSAP (55 Plus Programs), valid on transaction date.

Whistler at Freer Gallery and Hurell at National Portrait Gallery

Unless otherwise noted in the trip details, a 55+ Pass is required for participation in all 55+ trips.
For trips with multiple pickup locations, your selected location will be noted at the BOTTOM of your receipt under "Special Questions"
"Explore two compelling exhibits. First, visit the Freer Gallery to immerse yourself in ""Whistler: Streetscapes, Urban Change."" Delve into the transformative narrative of urban landscapes through Whistler's lens, capturing the essence of evolving cityscapes. Next, head to the National Portrait Gallery for ""Star Power: Photographs from Hollywood's Golden Era by George Hurrell."" Witness the glamour and allure of Hollywood's iconic figures through Hurrell's lens, as he masterfully captures the essence of the Golden Era's luminaries. Experience the artistry and storytelling in both exhibits for a captivating journey through time and culture. Lunch on your own at the Portrait Gallery. Trip Pickup Locations/Times: MAD 9:30 AM and TJ 10:00 AM"


Res Fee (Standard Fee): $13.00


NonRes Fee (Standard Fee): $15.00
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