55+ Yoga & Pilates - 913103

Hatha Yoga Basics


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Activity Details

Hatha Yoga Basics

Meeting Details

Time: 5:00 pm - 6:15 pm
Days: Mon
Arlington Mill
909 South Dinwiddie Street
Arlington, VA, 22204
Multi-purpose Room 527 A&B

Registration Event

Registration for this activity starts on 02/21/2024 at 12:00 pm.

Registration/Reservation Rules:

Minimum 4 days before the item begin date. Cutoff time on last day is before 4:00pm.
Item begin weekday of Monday,Tuesday
Minimum 3 days before the item begin date. Cutoff time on last day is before 4:00pm.
Item begin weekday of Sunday
Minimum 2 days before the item begin date. Cutoff time on last day is before 4:00pm.
Item begin weekday of Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday
Household Feecode of NR.
Reg Begin Date Time
Household Feecode of RES.
Reg Begin Date Time
At least 1 current membership per family member from this pass category list: OSAP (55 Plus Programs), valid on transaction date.

Hatha Yoga Basics

Unless otherwise noted in the program details, a 55+ Pass is required for participation in all 55+ classes and programs.
New to yoga? This class is designed for those with little or no yoga experience. Students will learn the names of the poses, the best alignment for their bodies and how to safely do poses on their own at home. The class will also teach some basic breathing and relaxation techniques. Bring your own mat.


Base Fee (Standard Fee): $68.00


Base Fee (Standard Fee): $68.00
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