
To cancel a registration or reservation, click the check mark to the left of the item. If your request for online cancellation is valid, you will proceed to the Shopping Cart screen. You must checkout to complete the cancellation process.
*All refunds are processed as a household credit. If you would like a refund to your credit card or by check, please contact our office at 703-228-4747 or [email protected]. Credit card surcharges and bank fees for returned eChecks are not refundable.

*Not all item listed below will be eligible for online cancellation. If online cancellation is not allowed, please contact the DPR Administrative Services Office at 703-228-4747 for more information. Review our full Cancellation and Refund Policy.

Due to a system limitation, canceling from the Waitlist will incur a fee. To cancel from a waitlist, please contact our office at 703-228-4747 for assistance.

You must login before using this feature.